Smt Fleet Araç Kiralama

Privacy and Cookie Policy

We are aware that privacy is crucial for our users, and therefore, the privacy of our site users is also essential to us. The Privacy Policy aims to provide necessary information about how the data you share while using the SMT FILO website or mobile site can be used, with whom this information can be shared, and the security procedures we implement to protect your privacy.

By using the SMT FILO website, mobile applications, and other communication channels, you agree to the provisions stated in the Privacy Policy and grant permission to SMT FILO as outlined here.

Any disputes related to the SMT FILO Privacy Policy are subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, and the courts and execution offices in Istanbul are authorized to resolve disputes.

What Data Can SMT FILO Collect?

  • Your name, surname, address, date of birth, city of residence, phone numbers, email address, and all other contact information,
  • Your Turkish Republic identification number (T.C. Kimlik numarası) for Turkish citizens,
  • Passport information for foreign national users,
  • Order information for products or services purchased from our website,
  • Payment methods and billing information may be collected.

SMT Filo may use your data for the following purposes:

  • To fulfill your car rental services and manage your membership account on our website.
  • To provide you with the most suitable and efficient services when you call our call center.
  • To analyze your personal preferences and improve our products and services accordingly.
  • To generate statistical information about your usage habits on our website and mobile applications, and to offer you personalized car rental offers by examining these data through reporting and analysis methods.
  • To introduce our products and services to you, create promotions and campaigns that may be of interest to you, and establish communication.
  • To comply with legal obligations or fulfill requests from authorized administrative authorities, including ensuring the safety of SMT Filo employees, organizations serving SMT FİLO, or their employees, or customers, or compliance with the rules mentioned in this article.


As SMT FİLO, we show the utmost sensitivity to the processing and protection of personal data belonging to visitors of the website ("Website") in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and its secondary regulations ("PDPL Legislation").

As SMT FİLO, within the scope of the obligation to inform arising from the Personal Data Protection legislation, we would like to inform you about the cookies used by our website and the personal data processed through this means with this "Information Text on Cookie Usage on the Website".

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

Cookies are small text files created by a website on your device in name-value format. Therefore, by visiting our Site, the cookies we use allow information about your site visit to be stored on your device and used during your subsequent visits.

Cookies created by our site and readable only by our site are primary cookies.

The content provided on our site is also provided through other domain names besides the domain name of the access address. In such cases, each domain name creates its own unique third-party cookies.

The types of cookies we use on our site and the purposes of using these cookies are as follows:

No.Cookiee TypePurposes of Use
1.Session CookiesSession cookies are cookies that are valid during your use of the Website and remain valid until you close your internet browser.
2.Persistent CookiesThese cookies are stored in your browser and remain valid until they are deleted by you or until their expiration date.
3.Mandatory CookiesThese are cookies that are mandatory for the Website to function properly and for you to benefit from its features and services.
4.Functional and Analytical CookiesThese are cookies that are used for purposes such as remembering your behavior and preferences during your visit to our Site, using our Site effectively, optimizing our Site to respond to your requests, and containing data about how you use the site. Due to their nature, these types of cookies may contain your personal data. For example, your language preference for viewing our Site is processed through these cookies.

We aim to provide you with a more efficient and functional internet experience with the third-party cookies we use on our website. A Data Protection Privacy Agreement has been concluded between the third-party service providers and SMT FILO in accordance with the PDPL Legislation, ensuring the security of your personal data obtained on behalf of SMT FILO by these individuals.

Storage and Access to Cookies

The cookies created by our website are stored on your computer by the internet browser you use to access our site. The information contained in these cookies can only be accessed remotely by our site provided under the domain name ( and using the same browser.

Accepting Cookies is Up to You

Internet browsers generally automatically accept cookies used on the websites you visit. The use of cookies is not mandatory to use our website; however, if you configure your browser to block all cookies, the quality of your user experience may decrease, and it may prevent you from accessing our site or benefiting from various functions of our site.

You can configure your browser to block cookies for all or specific websites, receive a warning when cookies are created, block third-party cookies, or consider all cookies as session cookies.

On the other hand, you can delete cookies stored on your device through your browser or view and track the lists and values of these cookies. You can click on the listed browsers below to get detailed information about cookie management.

If you want to learn more about cookies, you can click on the addresses and The site contents are in English.

Security of Your Personal Data

Cookies are not used for purposes other than those stated in this Cookie Information Text, and all relevant processes are carried out in compliance with the PDPL Legislation. Your personal data obtained through cookies are processed, stored, and secured by SMT FILO in compliance with the PDPL Legislation.

Your Right to Information

Within the scope of Article 11 of the PDPL, by applying to SMT FILO, you have the right to:

- Learn whether your personal data is being processed,
- Request information if your personal data has been processed,
- Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
- Know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
- Request the correction of your personal data if they are incomplete or incorrect,
- Request the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
- Request that the transactions made pursuant to Articles 11(d) and 11(e) be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
- Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
- Demand compensation for damages in case you incur damages due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.

This Cookie Information Text may be updated to comply with changes in our processes in order to comply with the PDPL Legislation. If you are included in our automatic email sending list, updates will be notified to you via email. If you are not included in our automatic email sending list, we kindly ask you to visit our site frequently for updates.